Bardic Healing

Photo: Laura Hope-Gill in Whitstable, England. By Susannah Paisley-Day

Entering our stories is very much like entering a labyrinth. The labyrinth represents the healing journey into our life stories and back out again, the practice of transformation. Only our own stories hold medicine to boost our lives for the rest of our journeys. Only our own stories hold exactly what we need. Story Shepherds will help you begin, provide support, and create events where you and other explorers seeking the Shepherds’ Way. No one can interpret your story for you, and no one can give you answers. The tools for this are in you. You are being shown them all the time and are in the process of recognizing them. This is how we are made–at once unique in our stories and like everyone else in our purpose to connect them and bring this world together–all its stories interwoven and made whole in one another.

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