Push the Boat Out

A time comes in our storytelling when we feel led or guided by our healing more than by our wounds. It is a bit like stepping into a boat with one foot and pushing away from shore with the other. There’s that moment of hesitation before entirely letting go of one world and surrendering to the other. This new world of you on the water invites you. You no longer rely so intensely on needing answers, on resolving mystery. You’re comfortable with being uncomfortable. You’re more alive and spontaneous. Your intution is stronger, and you have discovered your skills of discernment. You experience the world with more than your five senses. You now navigate by Creative Imagination as as much as the usual tools, whatever those were.

In this part of your journey, you recognize outmoded versions of yourself, selves that helped you survive and selves you created for the benefit of others. Your story-self sees how useful they were and assures them they can rest now. You’re more you now than you have ever been. You’re connected to the earth by your story. The earth knows this. You know this. You can trust life maybe for the first time. It’s time to trust yourself as well. You are the boat, and you are the person pushing off from shore, and you are the water.

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