
By Anne Walker, Derry, Northern Ireland

I believe that in all organisations, gangs, paramilitaries, state, police all over the world there are people, and many many of them who have doubts about what they are a part of, have questions and fears that they are too afraid to address or speak of because in doing so they FEAR that they are betraying whatever they are part of, they FEAR that their lives, lifestyles will be affected, they FEAR they are questioning their own paths, they FEAR reprocussions they FEAR the fate of Truthers and authorities who prefer control to humanity and many many more fears!!

The operative word here is FEAR!!

I believe that if even just a fraction of these people all over the world were too be brave enough to acknowledge their own truths and realise that so many others think as they do and not feel so alone in their thoughts that there would be a massive move towards a better way of living in this world and the horrors that are prevalent in this world would begin to shrivel and reduce!!!
We have an opportunity to change everything in and on this planet for everyone but the World is holding us in fear!!

There are more people doing incredible things for each other than the world would have you believe!

There are answers to all our problems that the world is hiding from us!

Our planet has all our answers!

Allowing ourselves to be truly human, can change the world!

FEAR keeps us in the darkness of hate, suspicion, consumerism, war, materialism, etc

TRUTH chases fear away and sets us free.

Not just our own personal truth but those about our ancient histories, medicines, the Amazon (lungs of the world) which is being destroyed for soya farming to feed cattle for burger consumption, truth about shamans, spiritualism, our broken spiritual connections, Truth about this living, breathing planet that can provide for us all, Truth about free energy, all the Truths that are kept from us and thus creating the world we have now which is so destructive and enslaving! A world where we hurt children!!

May you find the courage to search and voice your truths!

–Anne Walker

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